There are so many small things attributable to my time spent in front of the Blessed Sacrament. I am not even a power adorer like others. I get a prompt or invitation as I refer to it from the Holy Spirit, I go more often than not.
It has really pushed me to listen or hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. Wish I could listen more often and change myself immediately into the person I want to be. I've been seeking the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I hear and keep trying to respond in kind whatever the situation might seem to require.
In fact I had a dream that the pope (JPII) had arrived as my guest on this cruiseship to a social gathering. He brought Jesus with him in the Blessed Sacrament, and he carried this large glass box. I was the hostess of this event apparently but new few of the guests, my assistant had evidently taken care of the details. John Paul the Great sat the glass box on this display stand I showed him to, and the guests gathered around and he taught them about the Blessed Sacrament and they all knew and got it and the whole place emitted a soft warm feeling of understanding and peace. The next thing I know, the pope is gone and we are being asked to gather our things and leave immediately. My assistant asks,"So what do we do with that?" as she points to the Blessed Sacrament. I tell her she needs to find the pope so he can take Him back. A guest says he left hours ago. I tell her to call the Vatican, yeah right. No one is going to take your call!!! So I say, not with reluctance but with confidence, "I will take Jesus with me." So I did and that was pretty much the end.
But what to do with that?? I tossed it around, asked the Holy Spirit to advise me properly. So here I am, not a webpage designer, not a blogger (not a good one anyway) attempting to do what John Paul the Great so often encouraged us to do. Use technology to assist in spreading or advancing the cause of Christ. So it is meager I admit, but I enjoy it.
My little girl asked me "What doin day mommy?" Meaning what am I going to do of course. So I told her that once I dropped her off and finished a couple of errands I was going to stop and see Jesus........she eeeekkked, "I go!" So I said well maybe tomorrow you can bring a few colors and the rosary coloring book you just got and we can go see Him. She loved that idea.
So throughout all of this if drawing me closer is to bring her closer- then Amen!!!
I keep praying for another baby and Jesus assures me He will answer me but not now, so that is good and I can live with that. The last two times I was there to see Him, His presence left with me and once outside said to me again, "I am with you Wendy." I mean by name that is a good feeling. I'd like to talk to someone else about what they think or hear or feel during that time, and yet it is such a personal time it seems almost offensive to ask. I really just realized that, how intimate it is for each of us. I imagine most people feel like me, it seems unbelievable or too boastful to claim Jesus talks to me, but He does!!! That's what we are there for!!! So I hope we are all getting something out of it. I wouldn't even know how to broach that subject with someone.
So maybe in my own ignorance I am letting anyone who'd read this, a glimmer of what is in store for a person. Most likely much more can be gained, however, this is where I am right now. Today I went for just 30 minutes and I said one decade of the Divine Mercy chaplet, the prayer for today for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, and then read a chapter in this book, The Little Book of the Holy Spirit. In the chapter entitled, We must yield completely to God, something captured my heart almost as if I'd gasped.
...but in any case, there is something far more special in the guidance of the Holy Spirit sought for by the soul in its endeavor to 'live godly in Christ Jesus'. It has to yield itself to the promptings of God, be eager to catch His every whisper and quick in its obedience to His every call.
For this to be achieved, the first work is an emptying of the soul. Every obstacle has to be gotten rid of..........
Wow!! Quite a challenge I'd say...since I have hangups mounted upon hangups.
But strangley enough the Holy Spirit encouraged me to begin this St. Louis de Montfort's 33 DayTotal ConsecrationTo Jesus Through Our Lady found at
Boy this first week is about understanding that you must die to self, really abhor the flesh...and its desires, and it has been hard to fulfill it. It is as the title suggests a preparationg for the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. This is not a devotion to which I'm drawn to, but do not run from either. In fact, she keeps popping up in my life more often.
I have rec'd finally a lovely re-print of a new icon, Mother of God!!! I love seeing her when I walk into my entryway. She is lovely. Let's see if I can put her here.....oops, okay now she's up at the TOP!!! woo hoo, isn't that just beautiful!!! Man, I just love that, it has touched my heart and I don't even have a clue why.
Isn't that the great part of our journey with God, the unknown, we think we would all want to know God's will, and the why's of each and every little facet of our lives. But isn't it grand to look back and say oh yeah He's with me and the more you begin to recognize how tightly that is woven into your life, I think the closer you come to being able to live what God's will would be for your life. I know many people cry "Why would a God of love do this or that?" So many things to be savored in the current. The more I sit as an intercessor the more pain I see humankind is in. I heard today, how we each have our own Calcutta to bring Christ to. How true that is, we don't have to be Mother Teresa but she gave us a good model of how to bring light into the depths of darkness. Pretty deep knowing that I'll probably be the only one who reads this, but for posterity it has been noted!!
Amen, amen!! It has been a good day!
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